About Us

Who We Are

The Trucking Hero is a “Full-Service” trucking consultant and mentorship company located in Fort Collins, Colorado. We help people turn their dream of a successful trucking business into reality by providing versatile trucking consulting services at their own location and convenience.

What We Offer​

Trucking Hero offers assistance, guidance, and mentorship for trucking startups and existing businesses. We leverage our vast experience in the transportation industry to help small and large trucking companies to grow, thrive, and flourish in the market. Our services are tailor-made for the people aspiring to be a successful and well-established trucking business.

From finalizing the business plan and structure to getting your first load to haul, we help you at every stage of developing a new trucking business. Our trucking mentorship group also guides you in accomplishing your business milestones more efficiently.


Brandon Durbin

Brandon Durbin is the founder of The Trucking Hero. After earning his degree in Business, he started his professional career in 2016 as an official in a top factoring company and continued there for five years. These five years proved a turning point in his life as he gained valuable industry experience in the fast-paced work environment. After spending five experience-rich years in factoring, he realized he wanted to help truckers in more than just one area!

After acquiring his Casualty & Property Insurance licenses in 2021, Brandon founded his own consulting firm, Trucking Hero. With enthusiasm to help trucking aspirants, he partnered with industry-leading firms and providers that share the same views of treating truckers like family and providing free trucking mentorship for new and established trucking businesses.

Our Mission

“Being an innovative and creative trucking consultant, our mission is to empower those who have a dream of having a successful career and bright future in the transportation industry by providing them with the necessary information, guidance, and mentorship they need. We are ready to employ all available resources, technologies, and skills to go the extra mile in helping new and experienced truckers (owner-operators, freight brokers, and dispatchers) to achieve their career milestones.”

Our Vision

“We envision to be a trusted source of information, consultation, guidance, and mentorship for everyone who wants to establish their successful presence in the transportation industry.
We want to apply our knowledge and experience to contribute to the success of new and established trucking businesses as we consider our clients as partners.”

Our Core Values

Why Choose Us?

Use of the latest technology and resources

We add value to your business by using exclusive logistics software, helpful technology resources, and data-driven analysis. We believe that technology has the potential of proving to be a catalyst for your business growth.

Center of Applied Trucking Knowledge

We believe that applied knowledge is power; that's why we bring all our knowledge and experience in the application at The Trucking Hero to take your new or existing trucking business to the next level.


We believe in being honest with clients, which helps us define the weaknesses and strengths of their trucking business more precisely.

Long-Lasting, trust-based business consulting relationship

We deliver our services primarily through trust-based consulting relationships, which makes you our partner. Our strong relationship with the clients proves that their success is paramount to us.